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Safeguarding Adults at Risk at Goldstar Active

General principles

Everyone who participates in activities at Goldstar Active is entitled to do so in a safe and enjoyable environment.


All activities, competitions and associated individuals must follow the policies defined in this document.


Goldstar Active is committed to helping everyone accept their responsibility to safeguard Adults at Risk from harm and abuse.


This document sets out the procedures needed to be followed to safeguard and protect Adults at Risk and roles and responsibilities should concerns arise.


  • Scope


These policies apply to all members of staff, coaches, carers, volunteers, participants, visitors, contractors and anyone involved in normal operating, whether or not they are members of Goldstar Active. All these people have a duty of care to safeguard the welfare of Adults at Risk and prevent their abuse.


  • Why these policies are needed


Goldstar Active understands the need for an individual policy for Adults at Risk, in line with the considerations of the Disability Discrimination Act 2005 and The Equality Act 2010, to promote equal opportunities and provide a clearer framework for those who suffer from physical, mental health and learning disabilities.


At Risk people are at heightened risk of abuse and discrimination because of their susceptibility and many experience this in all walks of life. Practice has shown that At Risk people who are victims of abuse in the sports setting can be reluctant to report their experiences for fear of losing a positive and important part of their lives. Therefore it is essential that personnel at Goldstar Active are aware of the indicators of abuse and can recognise and act appropriately to protect potential victims.


Abuse can occur in many situations, including the home, workplace, day centre, at the shops, on the bus, in educational institutions and of course at Goldstar Active.


For the majority of Adults at Risk, their experiences with us will be a positive and rewarding experience. However, there is a growing recognition that sport generally provides easy access to At Risk people for those who wish to perpetrate abusive behaviour for their own gratification. Therefore, Goldstar Active is aware of the need to protect Adults at Risk from those individuals who may seek to harm them in our environment. Although this document mirrors the Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy for practical reasons, there are fundamental differences between the policies.


The primary difference in addressing adult and child abuse relates to the adult’s right to self-determination. Adults may choose not to act at all to protect themselves and only in extreme circumstances will the law intervene. This is not the case for children because they are minors under the Children Act 1980 and this legislation can be used quickly and effectively to ensure protection from abuse once it has been recognised.


In cases of suspected adult abuse it is important to recognise that assertive persuasion to encourage the individual to report or take action against an abuser or abusive situation may have negative outcomes for that adult and could be detrimental to their wellbeing by causing them further harm. Therefore, the protection of Adults at Risk from abuse is a more complex process than child protection and requires policy and procedures that reflect this. Policy users need to develop an understanding that protecting Adults at Risk necessitates a more supportive and advisory approach in response to reporting abuse, than in child protection situations where the legal framework is clear and definitive and requires stipulated responses. In serious situations the child can be removed from the abusive environment, for Adults at Risk it is not always possible or appropriate to achieve this level of safety.


Each Adult at Risk is a unique individual with varying degrees of need and ability. Some people will have a combination of physical and learning disability, others may have one or the other; some may have mental health needs and a combination of other complex disabilities such as Epilepsy, Diabetes, Down Syndrome, visual or hearing impairment.


The appropriateness of involving carers in any activity and welfare related decision making will depend on the individual needs and circumstances of the Adult at Risk and, most of all, upon their wishes. Often Adults at Risk feel strongly that they want to maintain independence and make decisions for themselves; such views should be encouraged and supported wherever possible.Ideally, good practice suggests a partnership model of working involving the coach, teacher or club officer, the Adult at Risk and their carer. In these circumstances it is important that the Adult at Risk is at the centre of the decision making process.


The provisions in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 should be considered in relation to Adults at Risk and decision-making. Those without the capacity to make decisions under this legislation will be more dependent on their carer or responsible adult in the decision making process. The act provides that:

“A person is unable to make a decision for himself if he is unable

  • to understand the information relevant to the decision,

  • to retain that information,

  • to use or weigh that information as part of the process of making the decision, or

  • to communicate his decision (whether by talking, using sign language or any other means).

  • A person is not to be regarded as unable to understand the information relevant to a decision if he is able to understand an explanation of it given to him in a way that is appropriate to his circumstances (using simple language, visual aids or any other means).

  • The fact that a person is able to retain the information relevant to a decision for a short period only does not prevent him from being regarded as able to make the decision.

  • The information relevant to a decision includes information about the reasonably foreseeable consequences of deciding one way or another.


Goldstar Active encourages the individual’s development of independence, confidence and self-esteem on a personal level and in their sporting activities. Hence it is important that everyone is aware of the need to balance the involvement of carers and the needs and wishes of individual participants in cases where Adults at Risk are concerned.


The following policy document draws from and includes relevant legislation and government guidance such as the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 and the No Secrets guidance (2000) regarding vulnerable people.


Policy Statement


Goldstar Active is committed to:


  •  Making the welfare of Adults at Risk paramount, even where the rights and needs of the other adults that work with them are overridden in order to provide the necessary protection to these individuals,

  • Enabling everyone, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, first language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity, to participate equitably in a fun and safe environment,

  • Taking all reasonable steps to protect Adults at Risk from harm, discrimination and degrading treatment and have respect for their human rights, wishes and

  • Taking all suspicions and allegations of abuse or poor practice seriously and responding swiftly and appropriately to them in accordance with current procedures (found in the procedural documents),

  • Ensuring that all Goldstar Active employees working with Adults at Risk are competent and appropriate for the responsibility and have been provided with relevant awareness training regarding the potential difficulties Adults at Risk can face and how to manage them,

  • Requiring all affiliated clubs, competitions and regional councils to accept responsibility for the welfare of the Adults at Risk in their care in accordance with all the Goldstar Active policies and procedures, and that they incorporate these into their constitutions and rules,

  • Being mindful and ensuring all affiliated clubs, competitions and regional councils are mindful of the differences between policies and procedures regarding Adults at Risk and those of children, and particularly that each Adult at Risk has the right to self determination in all but the most extreme

  • Where appropriate, working in partnership with parents and carers to support the Adult at Risk and, where practicable, cooperating with their wishes to achieve the best outcomes for the Adult at Risk.

  • Good practice, poor practice and abuse




It can be difficult to distinguish poor practice from abuse, whether intentional or accidental.


It is not the responsibility of any individual involved at Goldstar Active to make judgements regarding whether or not abuse is taking place, however, all Goldstar Active personnel have the responsibility to recognise and identify poor practice and potential abuse, and act on this if they have concerns as explained in section 3.


Good practice


Goldstar Active strongly advises, that coaches of Adult at Risk participants fully accept Sports Coach UK and Goldstar Active Codes of Conduct, which follow those of British Gymnastics; our national governing body. Core coaches should also have completed a course in basic awareness in working with Adults at Risk and will work closely alongside junior staff members to identify poor practice and potential abuse.


Everyone should:


  • conduct appropriate risk assessments before carrying out any activity

  • aim to make the experience of the participant fun and enjoyable

  • promote fairness and playing by the rules

  • not tolerate the use of prohibited or illegal substances

  • treat all Adults at Risk equally and preserve their dignity; this includes giving attention, time and respect to all participants regardless of their level of ability


Coaches and those working with Adults at Risk should:


  • respect the developmental stage of each participant and not risk sacrificing their welfare in order to gain club personal achievements

  • ensure that the training intensity is appropriate to the physical, social and emotional stage of the development of the participant

  • work with Adults at Risk and their Carers (where appropriate) to develop realistic training and competition schedules which are suited to the needs and lifestyle of the participant, not the ambitions of others such as coaches, team members, parents, carers or the club

  • build relationships based on mutual trust and respect, encouraging Adults at Risk to take responsibility for their own development and decision-making

  • always be publicly open when working with Adults at Risk, for example:

  • Avoid coaching sessions or meetings where a coach and an individual participant are completely

  • maintain an appropriate and open environment with no secrets

  • avoid unnecessary physical contact with Adults at Risk

  • maintain a safe and appropriate relationship with participants and avoid forming intimate relationships with those you are working with as this may threaten the position of trust and respect present between athlete and coach

  • be an excellent role model by maintaining appropriate standards of behaviour

  • gain the Adult at Risk’s consent and, where appropriate, the consent of relevant carers, in writing, to administer emergency first aid or other medical treatment if the need arises

  • be aware of medical conditions, disabilities, existing injuries and medicines being taken and keep written records of any injury or accident that occurs, together with details of treatments provided

  • arrange that someone with current knowledge of emergency first aid is available at all times

  • gain written consent from the correct people and fill out relevant checklists and information forms for travel arrangements


Physical contact may be appropriate where:


  • it is neither intrusive or disturbing

  • the participant has provided permission openly

  • it is delivered in an open environment


Poor practice


The following is regarded as being poor practice and should be avoided as far as is reasonable:


  • unnecessarily spending excessive amounts of time alone with an individual Adult at Risk away from others

  • engaging in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay

  • allowing or engaging in inappropriate touching of any form

  • using language that might be regarded as inappropriate by the Adult at Risk, especially comments regarding disability which may be hurtful or disrespectful

  • making sexually suggestive comments, even in fun

  • reducing an Adult at Risk to tears as a form of control

  • letting allegations made by an Adult at Risk go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon

  • doing things of a personal nature that an Adult at Risk can do for themselves

  • taking an Adult at Risk alone on a car journey, however short inviting or taking Adults at Risk to your home or office where they will be alone with you

  • sharing a room with an Adult at Risk


Note: at times it may be impractical to avoid some of these particular examples of poor practice. In this case, to protect both the Adult at Risk and yourself, seek written consent from the Adult at Risk and, where appropriate, their Carer and ensure that the CWO is aware of the situation and gives their approval.


If, during your care, you accidentally injure an Adult at Risk, they seem distressed in any manner, appear to be sexually aroused by your actions, or misunderstand/misinterpret something you have done, report these incidents as soon as possible to another adult at Goldstar Active and make a brief written note of it. It may also be in the best interests of the adult to discuss the matter with them openly and in a professional and sensitive manner that will avoid embarrassment; this is dependent on the individual participant and the circumstances.




Abuse has many forms and can affect an Adult at Risk of any age or disability. The effects of such treatment can be degrading and damaging in the longer term and may follow an individual throughout their lives.

An individual who has been abused may exhibit a wide range of uncharacteristic behaviours some of which may manifest in the following ways:


  • find it difficult or impossible to maintain a stable or trusting relationship

  • become involved with drugs or prostitution

  • increase alcohol consumption

  • show angry or volatile behaviour without reason

  • attempt suicide or self-harm

  • go on to abuse another individual


Some of the reasons why Adults at Risk may be at increased risk of abuse are as follows:


  • stereotyping

  • prejudice

  • discrimination including ethnic or racial, sexual, disability orientated,

  • isolation low self image and low self esteem resulting in vulnerable self presentation

  • lack of knowledge about appropriate behaviours by others

  • desire for acceptance, affection and attention

  • powerlessness to protect themselves

  • dependency upon others to care for them

  • difficulty in communicating that abuse has occurred

  • Indicators of abuse


Even for those experienced in working with the abuse of Adults at Risk, it is not always possible to recognise potential abusive situations or situations where abuse is ongoing. Personnel involved in the work of Goldstar Active do not have responsibility for assessing and deciding situations where abuse may be occurring. It is however the responsibility of everyone at Goldstar Active to be alert to the indicators of abuse and to act upon any concerns in line with Goldstar Active policy and procedures relating to the protection of Adults at Risk.


Indicators of abuse may include one or more of the following:


  • unexplained or suspicious injuries such as bruising, cuts or burns, particularly if situated on a part of the body not normally prone to such injuries

  • an injury for which an explanation seems inconsistent and improbable

  • a disclosure made by an At Risk individual describing what appears to be an abusive act involving him/her

  • an expression of concern from a third party about the welfare of an individual unexplained changes in an individual’s behaviour, such as loss of confidence, low self-esteem,

  • becoming quiet and withdrawn, sudden outbursts of temper or uncharacteristic changes in behaviour, tearful , depressed, angry, watchful and frightened

  • engaging in sexually explicit behaviour

  • distrust of others, particularly those with whom a close relationship would normally be expected

  • difficulty in making friends and socialising contrary to previous social behaviour

  • being prevented from socialising with other individuals by a carer or person in a position of authority

  • displaying variations in eating patterns including overeating, loss of appetite or stealing and concealing food

  • unexplained weight loss deterioration in personal hygiene and physical appearance

  • refusal/reluctance to undress or change for sporting activities

  • Degree of abuse

  • ​

In response to the No Secrets Government guidance, the Law Commission states that the severity and extent of abuse should be evaluated based on the level of harm brought about by ill treatment (not only physical ill treatment) “that leads to an impairment of, or avoidable deterioration in physical or mental health and the impairment of physical, intellectual, emotional, social or behavioural development”. In assessing the degree of abuse, consideration should be paid to:


  • the vulnerability of the victim

  • the nature and extent of the abuse

  • the length of time the abuse has been occurring

  • the impact on the individual

  • the risk of repeated or increasingly serious acts involving this or other Adults at

  • Types of abuse


The Government guidance No Secrets provides the following as classifications of abuse:


Neglect and acts of omission


“Including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services, the withholding of necessities of life, such as medication, adequate nutrition and heating.”

At Goldstar Active this could include:

  • a coach not keeping an Adult at Risk safe by exposing them to undue cold, heat or the unnecessary risk of injury e.g. allowing participants under their supervision to train or race inappropriately clothed for the prevailing conditions

  • a parent, guardian or carer consistently leaving an Adult at Risk without adequate provisions e.g. food, water, clothing, where they are unable to provide themselves with these provisions


​Physical abuse

“may involve hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint or inappropriate sanctions.”

At Goldstar Active this could include:

  • a coach disregarding the individual requirements of each Adult at Risk’s needs when setting a training programme e.g. allowing those who are limited by a physical impairment to undertake inappropriately long, continuous training that causes harm.

  • Sexual abuse “Including rape and sexual assault or sexual acts to which the vulnerable adult has not consented, or could not consent, or was pressured into consenting.


 At Goldstar Active indicators could include:


  • a coach engaging in unnecessary and inappropriate physical contact e.g. supporting participants through skills using touch in inappropriate or unnecessary areas.

  • a coach making suggestive comments to their participants

  • an individual spending an unnecessary amount of time in the changing area where Adults at Risk are

  • Psychological abuse “Including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation or withdrawal from services or supportive networks.”


 At Goldstar Active this could include:


  • a carer or coach subjecting a participant to constant criticism, shouting, name-calling, sarcasm, bullying or discriminatory behaviours or prejudicial attitudes

  • a carer or coach putting a participant under unrealistic pressure in order to perform to high expectations

  • Financial or material abuse “Including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.”


At Goldstar Active this could include:


  • blackmailing a participant by requiring financial or material payment in return for certain benefits such as proficiency awards or complements

  • charging Adults at Risk more than the standard fee for participation in activities

  • Bullying “Bullying is deliberately hurtful behaviour, usually repeated over a period of time, where it is difficult for those being bullied to defend themselves”


Bullying can be:


  • Emotional being unfriendly, excluding (emotionally and physically), sending hurtful text messages, tormenting, (e.g. hiding kit or equipment, threatening gestures)

  • Physical pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence

  • Racist racial taunts, graffiti, gestures

  • Sexual unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments

  • Homophobic because of, or focussing on the issue of sexuality

  • Verbal name-calling, shouting, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing


The LSO must be informed of all allegations of abuse and persistent poor practice as soon as possible in order to decide the following:


  • what further action should be taken by Goldstar Active

  • whether the Adult at Risk should consider taking further action or advice

  • whether further action, advice or investigation is needed by/from the Police or Social Care Services.


Passing on this information is important because the matter may be just one of a series of other instances which together cause concern. It enables the Case Management Group to analyse trends and improve existing policy and guidance at Goldstar Active.


Involving Statutory Agencies


It should be noted that physical and sexual abuse is illegal. Consequently there is an obligation that allegations and concerns are reported to the police who will decide whether to take criminal action or not. In some instances, other types of abuse such as discrimination and financial exploitation may also be considered to be criminal and these should also be reported.


In any case of physical or sexual abuse or where an Adult at Risk’s safety is at risk, the Adult At Risk must be encouraged to contact one of the following statutory agencies:


  • their local police station or in an emergency, dial 999. The police should be involved if the abuse is thought to be of a criminal nature. A record should be made of the details of the referral and the crime reference number

  • Adult Social Care Services (formerly Social Services). This body has a statutory duty to ensure the welfare of adults in at Risk positions and are legally bound to investigate allegations of abuse. Such investigations will involve discussing the matter with the vulnerable adult, and where appropriate their carers. They will also gather information from others who know and are involved with the vulnerable person


In an emergency, Social Care services contact details can be found on Hull and East Riding County Council’s websites or from the Samaritans (08457 909090) who will hold the Duty Officer’s contact number.


All telephone referrals made to the statutory agencies must be confirmed in writing within 24 hours detailing the following information:


  • the name and title of the member of staff to whom the concerns were passed and the date this happened

  • any action that has been taken

  • a summary of the information shared and the response received

  • the time and date of the referral call to the statutory agency


Other services that can offer help and advice:


  • Telephone counselling service for children, young people and adults on any issue, including relationships, depression, mental health, abuse, addictions, stress etc. Tel; 08451 228622

  • Disability Information Service. National service providing information on all aspects of disability for disabled people, their families, friends and carers.

  • Charity working with people with a learning disability and their families and carers.” T 0808 808 1111

  • Mental Health Foundation. Information about how to get help with any mental health problem in your local area.

  • A wealth of information about mental health issues and contact details for the nearest Mind group in your area. 766 0163

  • Ann Craft Trust. Offer advice on issues relating to children and adults with learning disabilities. anncrafttrust.org0115 951 5400


Allegations of previous abuse


Allegations of abuse are occasionally made some time after the event, for example by an adult abused as a young person by a member of staff who may be still working with children or Adults at Risk. Where such an allegation is made, you should follow the procedures relating to the involvement of statutory agencies. This is because other Adults at Risk, either at Goldstar Active or in other environments, may be at risk from this person. Anyone who has a previous criminal conviction for offences related to abuse should automatically be excluded from working with At Risk groups.

Club Welfare Officer (CWO)

Every sporting venue that has Children and/or Adults at Risk regularly using its facilities must appoint a Club Welfare Officer (CWO). This person must have a good awareness of Adults at Risk and the difficulties they face, good communication skills and an ability to provide support and advice. They should also be well organised, have good administrative and recording skills and an ability and willingness to promote and implement the Goldstar Active Safeguarding & Protecting Adults at Risk Policy, procedures and resources.

The CWO should be a figure well-known in the club and approachable by Adults at Risk but not someone involved directly in the coaching or day-to-day running of Adults at Risk activities. It is essential that the CWO is able to act in a confidential manner and to recognise the boundaries of his or her competence, role and responsibilities and where to seek advice and support.



The CWO needs to have awareness and understanding of the Goldstar Active’s Safeguarding & Protecting Adults at Risk Policy and procedure, and keep up to date with the appropriate training. The CWO is responsible for acting as a source of advice on safeguarding Adults at Risk and issues relating to their protection. The CWO must also co-ordinate Goldstar Active’s responses and actions, in line with policy and procedure, to referrals and expressions of concern about Adults at Risk.

  • Roles

  • To provide information and advice on protection for Adults at Risk at Goldstar Active.

  • To ensure that all personnel adopt and follow the Goldstar Active’s Safeguarding & Protecting Adults at Risk Policy and procedures, understands its responsibilities under the SVG Act, and promotes awareness of these within the

  • To be a confirmation signatory, verifying the identity of individuals completing DBS Disclosure application

  • To keep records of all those who have been vetted within the club and to ensure that DBS checks are updated on at least a three yearly

  • To receive information from club staff, volunteers, Adults at Risk, parents, carers or advocates who have protection concerns regarding Adults at Risk and record

  • To assess the information promptly and carefully, clarifying or obtaining more information about the matter as

  • To report concerns where appropriate to the police in consultation with the individual or their

  • To report referrals or concerns to the LSO as soon as possible in line with Goldstar Active procedures.

  • To ensure that adequate information is available at the time of referral and that the referral is confirmed in writing, under confidential cover, where possible using the Incident Report Form.

  • To advise club officers regarding the appropriate levels of protection required during the training of Adults at Risk from all individuals working with At Risk groups at Goldstar Active.

  • To promote an equal opportunities approach at Goldstar Active, by maintaining anti- discriminatory practice standards, acknowledging that discrimination exists, actively addressing instances in line with Goldstar Active’s policy and procedure and encouraging members to receive training to raise awareness and improve understanding of

  • To advise Goldstar Active of relevant training


Codes of conduct

Codes of conduct are useful for everyone concerned at Goldstar Active to outline expected behaviour of different groups. Goldstar Active has published a comprehensive code of conduct document that contains ideas for model codes. This document also considers specific codes of conduct for parents and carers, athletes and other members.

Changing rooms
  • Where it is felt that supervision is necessary for Adults at Risk, this should be undertaken by two or more personnel

  • Adult coaches or volunteers should not shower or change at the same time as the At Risk individuals they have been working with

  • No staff or volunteers, medical or otherwise should be present when participants of the opposite sex are showering or changing (for example a male coach working with a female crew)

  • Separate changing facilities are available. If an Adult at Risk is uncomfortable showering or changing in public, no pressure should be put on them to do so; they should be encouraged to change and shower at home

  • Adults at Risk and, where appropriate, their carers should be involved in deciding how best they can be assisted. Always ensure the Adult at Risk consents to the assistance that is offered

  • No photographic equipment should be used in the changing room environment. This includes cameras, video cameras, camera phones

Coaching Ratios

Although there is Government guidance for people working with Adults at Risk such as that found in the No Secrets guidance, it is essential a separate Risk Assessment is undertaken for each group of Adults at Risk and that this is reviewed for each training session. Participants who require care or support from other adults for whatever reason, even those qualified as coaches, should be supervised at all times.

In line with the national guidance the level of supervision should take account of:

  • any disability and level of physical and mental ability of each individual

  • the extent of dependency of the Adult at Risk on carers/parents

  • the type of training session being undertaken: on land or water

  • the individual’s scope for developing independence

  • the environment that the session is taking place in

  • a specific risk assessment

If there is an accident or incident you should ensure there is always someone available to supervise the other Adults at Risk; coaches should ensure they never work in isolation.

Local Multi-Agency Safeguarding Adults Committee


Goldstar Active’s Safeguarding & Protecting Adults at Risk Policy and the guidance contained in this document and its appendices are consistent with the government’s Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006. The CWO should endeavour to make themselves aware of the local authority protection of Adults at Risk arrangements, policies and procedures as they relate to sports. The CWO should obtain the Local Authority lead officer’s name and contact details.

Regulated Activity with adults


The Freedom of Protections Act 2012 limits the scope of Regulated Activity with adults to areas that are unlikely to fall within the sports environment. See the Glossary for more details.


Recruiting and Selecting People to work with Adults at Risk


Anyone may have the potential to abuse Adults at Risk in some way and it is important that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent unsuitable people from working with them. This applies to anyone whether voluntary or paid who is going to have Significant Access to Adults at Risk.


The responsibility for having safe recruitment processes in place rests with Goldstar Active. These procedures apply equally to paid or unpaid persons who are working on programmes, courses or events specifically aimed at Adults at Risk, or regularly with groups of Adults at Risk.


New volunteers and paid staff working in a role that entails Significant Access to Adults at Risk, or where they have a Position of Trust, or existing volunteers or staff who change their role to work with these vulnerable groups, are required to complete the following vetting process:


  • Complete an application form. This will help access the applicant’s suitability to work in the role, based on their skills and competencies as well as eliciting information about an applicant’s past

  • Complete a self-disclosure about any matter that might influence their suitability to work with Adults at Risk

  • Provide two appropriate referees

  • Provide evidence of their identity (such as a driving licence with photo or passport)

  • Complete a Criminal Records Check at the Enhanced Level for the specific role


In addition if the person is to be working in Regulated Activity with Adults (see Glossary) they must complete a Barred Lists Check. Please note that it is a criminal offence to employ someone in paid or unpaid role in Regulated Activity if they are on the Barred List. It is also a criminal offence for a person who is on the Barred List to apply for a role in Regulated Activity.


The CWO must maintain records of any references including written records of verbal references.


Note: Completing the above process does not guarantee that the individual is safe to work with Adults at Risk. Goldstar Active will use information from the DBS as part of an overall recruitment and selection process to assess any potential risk. Goldstar Active will alsoassess for itself the individual’s suitability by taking up references, interviewing and supervision.


Completing a DBS Disclosure application is a particularly confidential and sensitive matter for some people and care should be taken to explain how any information contained on the Certificate will be treated.


Any disclosures will be dealt with confidentially following the guidance set out in Information Sharing: Guidance for Practitioners and Managers, HM Government 2008.


Criminal Record and, where relevant, Barred List Checks must be renewed every three years if a person remains in post or more regularly if, for example, there is a concern raised, if the person changes their role or if the person has been absent from the club for a significant period


​Who should have a Criminal Records Check?


Every sporting facilty that has Adults at Risk regularly using its facilities must ensure that the following roles are properly vetted:


  • Club Welfare Officer (CWO)

  • coaches who regularly coach Adults at Risk

  • trailer drivers or volunteers who regularly spend time away with Adults at Risk at regattas or training camps


In line with the definition of Regulated Activity in the Glossary anyone transporting those considered ‘Vulnerable Adults’ under the ‘No Secrets’ definition must be checked against the Barred List.


Awareness and training


Training for staff and volunteers


Training should be provided for staff and volunteers on the policy, procedures and professional practices that are in place and commensurate with their responsibilities in the Adult at Risk protection process. Training should take place at all levels to ensure that procedures are carried out consistently, it should also be considered as a continuing responsibility. This should include:


  • awareness training in the abuses that can take place and the duty to report

  • specialist training for investigators and managers

  • issues relating to staff safety within a Health and Safety framework


To create an enjoyable and safe environment for all Adults at Risk , everyone involved at Goldstar Active must be aware of what good practice is and how to deal with poor practice and abuse.


Formal training will help people to work safely and effectively with Adults at Risk by:


  • comparing their own practice against what is regarded as good practice and identifying ways to improve

  • ensuring that they are not placing themselves at risk from allegations

  • recognising their responsibilities and reporting any concerns about suspected poor practice or abuse

  • understanding the recruitment and selection procedures described


The CWO should maintain a written record of training and relevant qualifications of those working with Adults at Risk within the club.


Recommended levels of awareness and training


Within the club environment everyone has a responsibility to be aware of the Safeguarding & Protecting Adults at Risk Policy, understand what is good and poor practice and know what to do if they have a concern. All members should have access to the policy document at Goldstar Active.




Coaches and volunteers may undertake the generic sports coach UK courses such as Equity in your coaching and Creating a safe coaching environment. Information is available on the Sportscoach UK website


Hull and East Riding County Councils also run basic awareness level safeguarding courses although these will not be specific to sport.


Complaints & disciplinary procedures


Goldstar Active has its own Complaints and Disciplinary Procedure for dealing with breaches of the Safeguarding & Protecting Adults at Risk Policy and procedures.


If a case is being investigated by a statutory agency, Goldstar Active may suspend the individual concerned whilst this investigation is taking place. This is a neutral act and is not intended to prejudge the outcome of the investigation, but simply to remove the individual from contact with Adults at Risk until the investigation is concluded. Once the statutory agency’s investigation is completed, and irrespective of its findings, Goldstar Active will assess the case following its disciplinary procedures.


If the abuse is alleged to have been committed in the course of a person’s employment, he or she will be subject to whatever disciplinary procedures and sanctions are stated in their employment contract. Goldstar Active may decide to await the outcome of such procedures before starting its own investigation.


Every effort will be made to maintain confidentiality for all concerned, and consideration will be given to what support may be appropriate to Adults at Risk, carers, parents, members of staff and volunteers.


It is not always possible to determine exact timescales for when cases will be resolved, however Goldstar Active will always try to ensure that all parties know what procedure will be followed and what the expected time scales are. If there is a delay they will endeavour to inform all parties why there is a delay and when any development is expected. There should not be any period without communication of more than 28 days with involved persons. Ideally case management processes should not extend over more than 3 months; only in exceptional circumstances should they extend up to 6 months.


Implementation and monitoring procedures


Goldstar Active management will oversee the implementation of these procedures and to monitor their application in practice. They will ensure that:

  • Goldstar Active’s procedures continue to reflect the current recommendations of external agencies that specialise in Child and Adult at Risk protection

  • The procedures are disseminated and applied by Goldstar Active members

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Goldstar Active Willerby
York Way,
HU10 6HD

01482 656438


Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday : 9:30am to 8:00pm
Saturday : 9:00am to 4:30pm
Sunday: 9:00am to 4:00pm

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©2022 by Goldstar Community Limited

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